Empower your employees

Employees that can use the power of technology to its fullest extent will deliver even better and more effective results. Empower your employees to strengthen their analytical, communication and explanatory skills, ensuring that they remain adaptable, innovative and prepared for the future!

Byte-size content
to master tomorrow’s tech!

With GoodHabitz, you get everything you need to upgrade your employee's digital skills. And more! Get a glimpse into our library:

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Linkedin for professionals

Information Security

Social Media Marketing

Excel Essentials (Office 365)

Microsoft 365: PowerPoint

Speak Business English

Español en el trabajo: escribir

Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz: Schreiben

Parler le français des affaires

Masterclass Ben Tiggelaar - Behaviour Change

Masterclass Jim Stolze - Digital transformation

Motivation What Drives You?

Mind Mapping

Writing Emails

Clever Purchasing

Let Your Body Do the Talking

Cold Calling for Warm Personalities

The Elevator Pitch


Go Team!

Get a Grip, Clear Your Mind

Learning How to Learn

Talent Development

Mind your brain

Happiness at Work Oh Happy (Working) Day

Facebook for Businesses

There’s always room for growth.

You've now got a glimpse of our educational content in terms of digital skills. But there is much, much more to discover! Explore other areas our solution holds the answers to:

  • Mental health
  • Authentic leadership
  • Streamlined productivity
  • Result-oriented
  • Outside-the-box thinking
  • Positivity
  • Teamwork & Diversity

Mental health

Happy and healthy employees are the foundation of every great organisation! Because if they thrive, so will your retention rates and business results.

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Authentic leadership

Want employees that lead by example? With us, they will learn how to lead with transparency, fostering an environment of trust in which people thrive!

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Streamlined productivity

Maximising productivity is about more than just getting things done. It’s about giving your employees a sense of accomplishment with their work.

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Ready to reach your goals? The road to success starts here! Learn to see the bigger picture and how to trust the power of gut feeling and intuition.

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Outside-the-box thinking

Dare to walk the road less travelled! Teach your employees to think outside the box, developing their curiosity, agility and collaborative teamwork.

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A simple shift in perspective can create a domino effect of positive transformation. Not only for yourself, but also inspiring people around you.

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Teamwork & Diversity

By finding common ground in the unique strengths and perspectives of each of your employees, you open the doors to even stronger collaboration.

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95% of our clients stay, year after year.