Online training courses that have you smiling.

"I like boring things” Andy Warhol once said. Though we admire him as one of the most famous Pop-Artists we completely disagree over this! At GoodHabitz we believe in the power of intrinsic motivation, which can only be achieved by making sure online learning is never boring! How do we incorporate this belief in our courses and what this has to do with the art piece you’re viewing? Find out more!

"Say cheese!" 🙃

Make it pop!

It couldn’t go unnoticed that our stand and this artwork were inspired by pop-art and that’s no coincidence; This style is very familiar to us at GoodHabitz. Our online library is filled with the brightest, most fun and colourful training courses around! Knowing this, take another look at our painting. That’s right, almost all items in this artwork are icons from our online courses and the overall concept is that they put a smile(y) on your face! #saycheese!

Fun with a capital F.

Now to take a deep dive into the main ingredient for intrinsic motivation: fun! Our courses are filled with winks, wittiness and cheeky content. If you like what you are doing, online learning becomes much more effective Not only will the knowledge stick with you, you will also come back for more!

Let’s paint a better picture.

Now you’ve seen all the hidden training icons in our art you’re probably wondering to which courses they are connected and what more there is to explore in the GoodHabitz training library. The good news is there’s much more! With over 150 training courses and more being added each month, there is always something to discover. Check out all 8 training categories and the corresponding courses via our course overview which you can download below.

Download the GoodHabitz
course overview.

Exit our exhibition through the GoodHabitz gift store! Download a complete overview of all our online courses and explore the opportunities for your organisation.