Global insights into solving the HR challenges of tomorrow.

Did you know that 61% of the global workforce feels the need to up-skill themselves to stay successful in the future? But only half of the global workforce feel that they’re encouraged to develop new skills. This is just one of the many challenges highlighted in our latest global research report, where we’ve identified the top 3 HR challenges of tomorrow – and how personal development can be a game-changer.

An infographic, for the number-hungry ones!

Crunch those numbers!

Based on our research across 24,235 employees in 12 European countries, three Latin American countries and Australia, we’ve identified the role personal development plays when facing some of the biggest challenges the global labour market is currently facing.

The result? Personal development opportunities have gone from a ‘nice-to-have' to a ‘must-have’ for employees across the globe. And, as a matter of fact, 84% of the global workforce indicated that a lack of personal development opportunities is a reason to leave their current employer – within a year(!).

Grab a copy and get all the numbers on why personal development is important when tackling challenges like the growth-driven workforce, acquiring the in-demand skills of the future and adopting a human-centric leadership approach.

Grab your
copy now.

Discover all the stats in our infographic.

Global Research Report Facts & Figures

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