A birds-eye view.

We sat down with Diane Pronk, Training Advisor, and Saskia van Langeveld, HRM Program Coordinator at Middin. This healthcare organization assists individuals with (mild) intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, or acquired brain injuries in their living, working, and learning endeavors. In short, Middin helps them to be fully engaged in life. Middin and GoodHabitz have been inseparable for more than 6 years when it comes to online training. 

The healthcare sector, including Middin, is facing a significant shortage of personnel. This has a tremendous impact on the work of every healthcare worker. Therefore, it is all the more important that employees continue to invest in strengthening themselves by paying attention to their personal development.


  • Lack of time for personal development among employees.
  • The responsibilities of healthcare employees are becoming more complex. There is a high demand for additional knowledge (digital and soft skills).
  • Stimulating mutual understanding and providing an accessible way to address topics that arise in the workplace within a team setting.

''The assessments are of high quality, user-friendly, and take little time. This is extremely valuable within the healthcare sector.''

Today is a good day to
boost self-insight

Self-insight is a must for effective personal development. Who are you? Where do you want to go? What makes your heart beat faster? Our assessments are quick, easy and here to make an impact. They lead the way to self-improvement for all your employees!