How do I get my employees hooked on learning?

As new technologies emerge and organisations transform at a staggering pace, personal development is now more important than ever. But with tight deadlines, a never-ending list of to-dos and a lack of goal alignment; how do you encourage your employees to get started with their personal development journey? In this blog, you’ll discover two tips on how to improve the learning culture in your organisation!

Facing this L&D challenge? We help you solve it!

Motivation for personal development starts with self-insight.

As an organisation, you want nothing more than for your employees to keep on developing themselves. Employee development doesn’t only lead to more happiness and better health within your workforce, it’s also proven to improve teamwork and efficiency. Ultimately leading to the growth of your entire organisation. However, with a sea filled with various learning offers, it can be difficult to know where to start.

And that’s where self-insight comes in! Gaining self-insight is the first step in effective personal development. Because it’s only when your employees know where their strengths and weaknesses lie that they’ll uncover room for growth. Research done by Ian MacRae, psychologist and author of books on Motivation and Performance, shows that self-awareness is key for motivation. MacRae says that understanding and knowing what you want to achieve from a task will result in more engagement and determination to reach the goal you’ve set for yourself. And the same counts for your employees' development!  

Discover the two steps that will help your organisation make effective use of personal development:

Step 1: Gain insight into must-have skills for your entire organisation

  • Organisation: Start with mapping out existing and must-have skills in your organisation with tools such as Techwolf, talentguide or Neobrain. These AI-powered tools automatically analyse your company’s skills landscape based on HR data and the digital footprint created by your workforce.   
  • Individual: Offer your employees insight into their talents and opportunities for growth using self-tests around vitality, skills, identity and capacity. With a detailed analysis of their current state or understanding of a topic, they’ll get a clear insight into who they are, where they stand and how they can grow.   
  • Team: Combine the insights you’ve gained and inspire the managers in your organisation to draw up their teams’ personal development plans. Then, time for the next step: making learning accessible and inspirational.

Step 2: Make learning accessible and inspirational.

Align the outcome of assessments with the right training offer. Here are 5 tips to ensure your employees effectively start their learning journey: 

  • Assist managers in creating personalised development plans for their team members. Grab a free copy of our action plan here! 
  • Connect skills to various themes throughout the year, fostering engagement through initiatives like "Work Happiness Week" or "Sustainability Month”. You can hang up a ‘Newsjacking Calendar’ in your office to promote learning all year around. Download our example with 100+ different newsjacking moments here.  
  • You can also embed learning into your HR cycle, for instance by recommending courses as a follow-up to the yearly appraisals. 
  • Teamwork makes the dream work, and the same counts for learning. Promote collaborative learning experiences through our WorkOut format 
  • Enhance the accessibility of your learning offer by offering a variety of learning activities and languages. Ensure that your employees can effortlessly locate these resources, whether through your LMS or online on their computers or mobile phones. Empower your employees to learn at their convenience, whenever and wherever it suits them! 

GoodHabitz & Middin

What does this look like in practice? Get inspired by Middin, a healthcare organisation in the Netherlands, that successfully integrated our learning solution.

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